I was reading through some old scrips & came across a note from the Napolean Hill foundation...the note is in reference to the less spoken concept of "Self fulfilling prophecy"...
Interpreting the message was simple - The most insidious problem with drugs is that the human body develops a tolerance for them and requires larger and larger doses to achieve the same effect.
The same is true with self-pity & self-talk. Watch out what you think or talk to yourself...be completely aware what you are seeding your mind with...
The more you allow yourself to indulge in it, the more you will require.Soon, self-pity will become a habit, one so debilitating that you will rob yourself of all the potential you possess. Happily, there is a cure. If you truly analyze the situation, most often you will find that the problems that have driven you to pity yourself are mostly of your own creation. It follows, then, that the best person to remedy the problem is the person who created it: you yourself.
No wonder the age old saying "Watch your thoughts for thoughts become words, watch your words for words become action, watch your action for actions become your habit & watch your habit for habits determine your character" stands tall till today !!!
You are what you think !!!
You will ONLY become what you think you will !!!
If you think you can - you are right, if you think you cant - you are still right !!!
I repeat..."Destiny is not destined - it is - DESIGNED"
Super sir ! super !
kalakki barta
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